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Stephen Reese

在北欧神话中,Megingjörð指的是托尔的权力和力量腰带。 当佩戴腰带时,腰带增加了托尔的力量。 加上他的锤子和铁手套,托尔的腰带使他成为强大的对手和不可忽视的力量。

古老的北欧名字 梦之城_梦之城娱乐_梦之城国际娱乐_梦之城国际娱乐平台 可以细分为以下含义。

  • Meging - 意味着权力或力量
  • Jörð - 意思是皮带

力量腰带是托尔最珍贵的三件物品之一,与此同时还有 Mjolnir 他强大的锤子,和 Járngreipr 他的铁手套帮助他举起和使用他的锤子。 据说当托尔戴上他的腰带时,会使他已经巨大的力量和功率增加一倍,使他几乎无敌。

没有资料告诉我们托尔是从哪里得到这条腰带的。 与他的锤子的起源故事不同,它有一个详细的神话解释它的创造,除了它的目的和力量之外,人们对megingjörð知之甚少。 它在《圣经》中被提及。 散文埃达 斯诺里-斯图鲁森的作品,他写道。



Stephen Reese is a historian who specializes in symbols and mythology. He has written several books on the subject, and his work has been published in journals and magazines around the world. Born and raised in London, Stephen always had a love for history. As a child, he would spend hours poring over ancient texts and exploring old ruins. This led him to pursue a career in historical research. Stephen's fascination with symbols and mythology stems from his belief that they are the foundation of human culture. He believes that by understanding these myths and legends, we can better understand ourselves and our world.